Frequently asked questions? We like to get straight to the point.
Not necessarily. Metal conducts electricity better than tissue, so the stimulation current could jump to the piercing and warm it up if it comes close. If that feels uncomfortable, we recommend removing the piercing.
Not necessarily. However, it’s very important to consult a trusted doctor beforehand. If you don’t want to discuss the topic directly, you can simply ask whether it’s safe for you to use a TENS unit (e.g., for pain relief on your back) – it works on the same principle. Anywhere you get the green light for such a device, you can safely use our toy as well.
If your IUD contains metal, we advise against it, as the metal could heat up when exposed to stimulation current. It's best to check with your gynecologist to confirm what material your IUD is made of.
Sorry, guys: It won't make you bigger, longer, or thicker with E-Stim. And unfortunately, no six-pack abs either. The principle behind electrical stimulation targets the nerve endings, not the muscles or tissue. Of course, the electrical current flows through the muscles that are in contact with the pads – but muscle fibers need low frequencies and high pulse rates for training, which our devices only achieve at the extreme end of the spectrum. They're designed for stimulating nerve endings, with higher frequencies and lower pulse rates. Training with them is a bit like trying to eat soup with a fork: it works, but it's not really practical.
However, our E-Stim devices are medically recognized and can be used as such. They are capable of strengthening the pelvic floor and sphincter muscles or being used for pain therapy. But the toys aren’t responsible for that. They just want to play.
Instead of a long answer, let’s just share some comparison figures: For direct current, a voltage of 120 volts is considered dangerous for adults, and 60 volts for children. With our 40 volts, we are definitely not suitable for delivering electric shocks. A typical stun gun generates up to 10,000 volts and currents of up to 14 amperes. A cattle and pasture electric fence also has a voltage of up to 10,000 volts, but with a current of only around 0.01 amperes (10mA). Our devices generate a voltage of 40V and a maximum current of 0.08 amperes (80mA) from a regular battery.
When can burns or tissue damage occur? It’s true that if a lot of current flows through a small area, burns can happen. That’s why it’s important to always place our toy first and then turn on the current. What matters is how much skin the pads are touching and how strong the current is. This ratio is called current density, and it is inversely proportional to the contact area. This means that if you double the surface area, the current density is halved. At a current density of 10 mA/mm², redness can occur, and at 20 mA/mm², you might get current marks and blisters.
So specifically: With the E-Stim device turned all the way up to 80mA, both poles must touch more than 8 mm² of skin. Then the density is below 10 mA/mm², and nothing happens. As long as you follow the rule of placing first, then turning on, everything is fine.
Product help
The penis ring should always be applied when not erect. First, carefully place one testicle, then the other, and finally the penis into the ring. Never exceed a wearing time of 30 to 35 minutes, and always remove the ring gently, using lubrication if necessary – for example, our Bonnie & Glide.
Finding the right size is the most important aspect to ensure the optimal function of the penis ring – if the ring is too big, the desired
The ring has no effect and can even fall off. If the ring is too small, it can cause health problems. It is therefore important that the penis ring fits tightly but is never uncomfortable.
or painful. And here it is true: bigger is better. When in doubt, always go for the bigger size
The easiest way to determine its size is to wrap a piece of non-elastic string around the scrotum and penis, so
that the ends of the thread meet on the body above the penis. The string should be just tight enough to feel a comfortable pressure. Mark the two intersection points of the string and measure the length. This length (in mm) is divided by Pi (3.14) and the result of this calculation is the required diameter:
Diameter of the penis ring = length in mm / π
We recommend taking the measurement on several days and at different times, as natural fluctuations may occur.
Again, if in doubt, always choose the larger size.